Earlier this year our district was informed that the text notification service we've been using for the last 10+ years, Ohio Alerts, will be discontinued on June 30th. The NOACSC has provided Ohio Alerts as a free service for all those years, and our district has greatly appreciated the work that went into it as well as the valuable service it has provided. However, due to rising costs they are unable to continue to offer the service. Each NOACSC member school district was informed of this early on so that we could evaluate replacement services, as our community has come to rely on text message alerts to stay informed of events at school.
With that, we are excited to share that Ottoville Local Schools has selected Remind as our new notification service! Many of you already use it, but if you're not already familiar with Remind, it's a classroom communication tool that makes it easy to stay involved with classroom and school events. Remind is free to use, and you'll be able to get and send messages on any device—even a simple text message from your phone! As part of this rollout, accounts will be created for all of the educators, parents, and students at Ottoville.
On June 25th you'll receive an email or text message from Remind. If you don't already have one, all you need to do is follow the steps in the message to finish setting up your account.
Here is a video demo to see how Remind works.For community members that are not staff, students, or parents, it is very easy to sign up with Remind to continue receiving alerts via one of three ways.
- Use the code @ovalerts in the Remind App on your smartphone
- Text the message @ovalerts to 81010
- Visit
https://www.remind.com/join/ovalerts on your computer
When asked what your role is, select "Parent."
Go here to view a video from Mrs. Mumaw